Coláiste Chamuis 50 Bliain ag Fás

Fáilte go Coláiste Chamuis

Coláiste Chamuis ar an bhfód le breis agus 50 bliain ag eagrú cúrsaí tumadh teanga i nGaeltacht na Gaillimhe agus éiríonn lenár gcuid scoláirí líofacht bhreá a bhaint amach sa Ghaeilge. Cuirimid an bhéim ar an nGaeilge bheo agus ar rannpháirtíocht chuile scoláire in imeachtaí spóirt, cultúrtha agus siamsaíochta.

Cuireann muid Cúrsaí den chéad scoth ar fáil dár gcuid scoláirí UILIG, áit a bhfoghlaimíonn siad go leor le linn dóibh a bheith ag ceiliúradh Teanga agus Cultúr beo na Gaeilge i gceartlár Ghaeltacht na Gaillimhe.

Ár dTraidisiún, Ár dTeanga, ó 1973

Cúrsaí Samhraidh

Cúrsa A1

Teálta and Halla Centres

31/05/2025 - 13/06/2025

Cúrsa A2

Teálta and Halla Centres

14/06/2025 - 27/06/2025

Cúrsa B

Téalta na hÓige, Aras Pobail Chois Cuain

29/06/2025 - 19/07/2025
Coláiste Chamuis Experience

Cúrsa C

An Tulach Centre,
Aras Pobial Chois Cuain

20/07/2025 - 09/08/2025

Cúrsa D (Bonscoil)

Aras Pobail Chois Cuain

20/07/2025 - 26/07/2025

Cam Chamuis

Tá gníomhaíochtaí na gcúrsaí le feiceáil ach cliceáil ar an gcnaipe físeán thíos.

















  • Cairde,cuimhní agus craic – na laethanta is fearr riamh. Bealach iontach le Gaeilge a fhoghlaim.

    Gillian, Gaillimh
  • I sent all my kids to Coláiste Chamuis over the years and they all came home with a genuine love for Irish, learned a lot, and wanted to return.

    Mícheál, Sligeach
  • My husband, Joe and I would like to express our sincerest 'Go raibh míle maith agaibh' for the wonderful first experience our son L had at Coláiste Chamuis, Halla A2 and your prompt communication with us when L was sick. We really appreciate it. May I also say that L's bean agus fear an tí were also spoken very highly of by L. He is already ag caint about returning next summer! Go raibh míle maith agaibh arís!

    Gerelynn & Joe B
  • I would like to thank you all most sincerely for the wonderful experience E had this year.  Her confidence in speaking as Gaeilge as well as her general knowledge of the language came on in leaps and bounds during the three weeks. Her bean an tí was exceptional and we are very grateful to her for looking after E so well while she was there.  The craic and camaraderie that E experienced while there is unique to the Gaeltacht and she made so many wonderful memories that, I'm sure, she will treasure for life.Go raibh mile maith agaibh go léir.

    Patricia C
  • I would like to express my thanks to all of the tutors and helpers, and particularly the Bean an Ti, for the care and attention shown to my daughter A. She thoroughly enjoyed the experience, and her Irish has come on so well. It is a core memory that will live with her forever. And these are the memories that count. Thank you all.

    Pauline F
  • A big thank for two great weeks in the Gaeltacht. XX had an amazing time and will remember his experience forever more. A big thank you to Bean an Tí XX also. He speaks highly of XX and her kindness and all in Coláiste Chamuis.